How to have a healthy skin?

Most people think that it is very difficult to maintain healthy skin, but if you follow these tips that we show to you, you will have radiant and healthy skin. The skin does not need treatment. The skin requires only certain conditions which in some cases bring a change in daily life to many people. Here are some tips to help you to protect your skin:

  • Smoking

Smoking, causes wrinkles on the skin and the skin begins to age. Smoking causes narrowing of blood vessels in the skin in smokers and makes the skin paler. Everyone’s skin should be supple and strong. Tobacco destroys both because it affects elastin and collagen. Smokers are at risk not only of skin damage but also of skin cancer. Tip number 1 to keep your skin healthy is not to smoke.

  • Essential oil of cedar wood

This oil is important for the skin because it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This oil is obtained from the leaves and bark of cedar trees. Cedar wood essential oil can also be found in berries.

  • Sleep

Sleep has a great impact on skin preservation. During sleep the body produces new cells which directly impact the skin and therefore sleep should be as calm and comfortable as possible.

  • Stress

Stress, makes the skin oily because it increases the production of hormones and reduces the ability to fight bacteria. Therefore, to have a healthier skin you need to manage stress

  • Hydration

Water, as it helps all the organs of the body, keeps the skin hydrated. Cells need water to function properly. Not consuming water causes dry skin.

  • Check at the doctor

If you notice any new spots on the skin, you should go visit a dermatologist for a possible skin cancer. These spots are caused by staying in the sun for a long time.