How technology has shaped how consume news over time

In human history, certain events have shaped the way news is reported, and in particular, the advent of technology has been instrumental in influencing the news industry. Before Gutenberg created the print technology, people relied on word of mouth to share news. With the invention of the print, the process of reporting of the news was formalized because towards the 16th century, the publication of the news became popular in Venice and Rome. In Rome, reading the Avvisi, as the Romans referred to the magazine at the time, was seen as a symbol of prestige just like it is today in some parts of the world.

The efforts of various inventors including Nikolai Tesla, led to the advent of the radio communication which revolutionized the news industry since the advent of the development of the print technology. One thing about the radio in terms of how it impacted news is that it allowed broadcasters to broadcast news to a larger audience. For their part, the consumers of news found an alternative and cheaper method of being informed of happenings in their country. With the introduction of new frequencies and radio programs, the experience of the listener significantly improved because listeners got the opportunity to listen to their favorite music as they wait for music.

The advent of the TV also marked an important event in the history of the news because unlike the radio, people could see news being read. Initially, affording the TV was out of reach for most families because only the rich owned it. With time, however, the population of the TV owners grew, and watching the television became a family affair where members of the same family would watch the TV together. Today, the TV and indeed the radio, continue to play an important role in broadcasting of the news to millions of people around the world.

The internet is the recent entrant to the news industry, and like its predecessors, it has been a core factor in shaping the way news is reported. Over a billion people have access to the internet, and while a significant number of these people still watch the TV, majority of internet users rely on the internet for their news. This is a trend that will not be stopping soon because the time people spend on the internet has increased in the last ten decades. This can be attributed to a wide range of factors including changing consumer behavior.    


News informs people issues and events that are happening around them and those that happen in other parts of the world, and this is why it is important for reporters and journalists to write news that is informative as well as captivating. Writing informative news articles and report requires both writing skills and knowledge because one can have writing skills but still fail to get it when it comes to organizing the news content. Conversely, knowing how to organize the news content without being a skilled writer can lead to a scenario where one writes poor news report that is less informative.

For anyone who wants to write worthy news story, adhering to certain standards that guide news writing and reporting is crucial because it helps them know how to start and how to phrase their sentences. News would most likely be a report or a story about a recent or current event, and before one starts to write, the first thing they should do is to identify and select a newsworthy topic about a recent incident. The issue one intends to write about should be something that readers might be interested in. For instance, readers may want to know about how they can protect themselves during a period of bad weather if the met forecast that the weather might be bad.

Proper use of quotations, facts, and researched information is necessary for one to create a compelling news article. A good news writer properly uses these elements when writing news stories, and when researching information or facts, one should cross-check with other sources of information just to be sure whatever information they are using is factual. The use of quotations is important because it identifies the people at the center of an incident or those who witnessed it happening. When quoting spoken words or statements, the writer should adhere to the proper language vocabulary standards.

To reiterate what has been written, a person intending to write news stories should ensure they have the skills and knowledge that are appropriate for creating newsworthy content. In addition, they should be aware of the best practices in writing informative news articles. Some of these practices include selecting a topic that is worth reporting about, and using language elements such as quotations. Furthermore, there is need for the writer to use research and facts when writing the article because facts can increase the credibility of the news report.

The use of Podcasts to report News

The use of podcasts to report news is the latest trend in news reporting.  Initially, people used podcasts to share their message with others but with time, podcasting has become popular with educators using it classroom, and news reporters using it as a tool for reporting. The BBC is one of the global media companies that are taking advantage of the power of the podcasts to expand its reach, and provide news to thousands of individuals across various parts of the world. The use of the podcast to report news provides various benefits to the news reporter, and to the news consumers.

The podcast boom especially in the media arena is driving the change in the way people consume news. Podcasting brings an element of convenience into the business of news reporting, and even if one does not have access to the television or radio, they can still access news anywhere they are as long as they have access to the internet. One can even download the podcast and listen to it later. The mainstream media has a history of bias reporting. Podcasts eliminate this problem because with podcasts, experts comprehensively give their opinions about reported issue.  Therefore, podcast provides the means for one to receive reliable news as well as comprehensive information about a news topic.

Despite the benefits that the podcasts provide, using podcasts as a means of conveying news can disadvantage some listeners especially the people without access to the internet. Podcasting as a means of sharing news, therefore, may be infective where internet access is restricted or is limited. For this reason, it can be a challenge for one to find the right audience. This can also be a challenge considering that podcasts are still not popular with majority of people who listen to news. Therefore, a media company may not be able to reach more people as it may want to.

Despite the issues with podcasting, the use of the podcasts to report news is emerging as an effective method to report news and share with the audience candid talk about an event or an issue. As much as podcasts are still unpopular, their popularity is slated to grow as more personalities such as former president Barrack Obama continue to use podcasts. As more people learn about podcast, there is a chance that an increasing number of consumers of news will embrace it. News reporters will also continue leveraging the podcasts to report news.   

Maintaining professionalism and upholding ethical standards when writing news articles.

A newspaper article conveys information about an event that occurred, and when people read stories published in newspapers, they expect to find truth. The use of non-factual information can water down the quality of the news articles, and make them less credible. If people find out that the writer created their own account of events, and left out facts, they may develop negative perceptions towards the news company that published the article. Negative reputation may in turn lead to low readership, and decline in the popularity of the company. Therefore, one needs to demonstrate high standards of professionalism and ethics when writing news reports.

There are key elements that a news writer should pay attention to if they want to demonstrate professionalism. Fairness is one of these elements, and to demonstrate this fairness, one should take time to explore the issue in detail before reporting it. Fairness also means not being biased in the way one reports news, and taking a neutral stance on issues that divide public opinion. Honesty is the other element, and an honest writer is one who writes the truth without having their views swayed by monetary offerings. Courage is an additional quality that a writer should demonstrate because this courage is needed for one to navigate conditions that may encourage skewed reporting of the news.

The idea of witness protection is critical when it comes to reporting of news. Revealing personal details of a witness interviewed to collect information is morally and professionally wrong especially if there is a chance that criminals may use the details to track down the witness. It is the writer’s responsibility to demonstrate trust and honesty by concealing the identity of the witnesses. Even if there is money offered to the writer to uncover the identity of the witness or even kill a story that reveals crime, they should demonstrate integrity by refusing such money because being trustworthy can help build not only the reputation of the writer but the news organization they work for.

If one wants to go a long way in news writing business, they need demonstrate high standards of ethics by being honest and trustworthy. The key to making it in the business of the news writing and reporting is maintaining professionalism in terms of the way one writes and reports news. We are in an era of “fake news” where individuals may twist information to fit their preferences. To stand out therefore, news writers should write fearlessly and honestly.  

The impact that social media had on the news

Before the internet and the social media came, people relied on the media broadcasting and publishing companies for information. With the introduction of the social media, the way people accessed and consumed news started changing, resulting to the decline in the newspaper readership. The circulation of the sprinted media materials including magazines has reduced since the social media was first introduced during the late 1990s. Should media companies be worried about Facebook and other social media companies? It depends on how one looks at it because there are opportunities and risks for these companies.

The print media is not as popular as it used to be two decades ago because the increase in the number of social media users had led to more people relying on the social sites for information. These sites enable people to freely access information either from the pages of the news companies, or from friends. This has resulted to a situation, in which social media users are constantly up to date with current affairs, and for some people, Facebook and Twitter are ideal sources of information and news. Given the entertainment aspects of the social media, people spend a significant amount of time on social media. This leaves them with limited time to even go through the newspapers.

On the flip side, the social media seems to have brought news companies closer to consumers of information. Three decades ago, it was a challenge to for the media companies to engage with those who consumed their content. The social media has eased how mainstream media companies can interact with their clients given that the social sites allow readers and viewers of the news content to share their thoughts about how news are reported. This feedback is helping businesses in the news industry to improve their news reporting.  Users can follow the news companies by liking the social media pages of these companies.  With the social media, still, media companies can receive live update of information and report it.

On one hand, the social media is killing newspapers and driving down sales, but on the other hand, it is contributing to the growth in the popularity of the news reporting companies. To fully benefit from the social media, the media companies should take advantage of new opportunities that come with these social platforms. For example, they can add ads in between videos to generate extra revenue. This will compensate for the revenue lost due to low viewership or readership of news.    

What the news gives us

News is a narrative of human activity which aims to inform and educate readers. Since the time of civilization people have tried in their own ways to share the news with others. They do this because the news gives information about the latest news, adds knowledge to people and makes them more confident by teaching them to be more aware of the dangers. News also makes people smarter.

The first international news service was invented in 1851. In the past, it was difficult to get accurate and timely news, but today, more than a century later, technology enables real-time news anywhere in the world. You can find the news in newspapers, radio, television, but you can find the latest news on various websites and social networks. The news is intended to keep people entertained by informing them in most cases about their community, society, government and life.

The most important part of the news is done by journalists, without whom it would not be possible to have news. A journalist collects information, processes it and presents it in the best and most understandable way for people. If the news did not exist no one would know what is happening in the world and all people would be very ignorant. News is divided into local news, national news, and international news. In the local news people are informed about the activities that take place in their community. In national news people are informed about the news happening in their country. While in the international news people are informed about the news in the world.

Another type of news is sports news which are among the most followed. In sports news people are informed about different sports, match results and things that happen during a match. All kinds of news are very relevant to all people.