Cloud Computing services

Cloud Computing is a global server network that acts as a massive hard disk. There are many companies offering Cloud services but some of the biggest ones are Google, Amazon and Microsoft. Cloud Computing is used by all people, but most of them use it without realizing it. Even if you log on to Netflix to watch a movie you are using the Cloud. Every time you sign in to your Gmail account you are still using the Cloud. If you are an iPhone user you definitely have an iCloud account. So even in this case you are using Cloud.

Cloud is an internet technology that serves people to store their data and materials. Data stored in the Cloud brings an advantage to people because even if your mobile phone or computer does not work with the data stored in the Cloud you can open it on another phone or computer. Cloud offers many services for which you have to pay to take advantage. In some services you can pay for a certain time while in some other services you pay for as many services as you use. Examples of this are Netflix in which you have to pay monthly to watch movies. Cost is another advantage of Cloud Computing is savings. The cost is lower when you pay to store data in the Cloud than when you store it on cell phones or USB and disks. You can benefit from Cloud Computing services by having access to the Internet.            

Cloud Computing has many users from both individuals and companies. Companies and businesses are the ones that need to benefit the most from Cloud Computing services because Cloud Computing brings advantages such as: saving time, reducing costs, etc. Cloud Computing also has disadvantages, but they are many times less than the advantages.

How to look a well-dressed man

The way a person dresses varies from person to person. Everyone dresses according to the style and colors he prefers. We will now show you some tips on how to look like a well-dressed man.

  1. To dress nicely it is not always necessary to spend large sums of money. Simple dress is the most perfect. The suit is one of the outfits that makes you look beautiful. But since you can’t wear a suit every day, we would suggest you to wear black jeans. Black jeans should be as few holes or torn as possible, so they should be as normal as possible. Black jeans are again a simple dress style and can be combined with any type of blouse or shirt you want.
  2. Colors are also very important in your outfit. The primary colors in a dress are black and white. The gray color is behind the black color and this white. Combining these colors with a simple outfit would be very perfect.
  3. The style of dress should not always go after fashion. Fashion changes very often, and you can’t change your style of dressing every week or every month. That’s why we always stick to simple dress because that kind of dress style is always in fashion.
  4. Clothes should always be of good quality. Every garment must be maintained. Suits should be kept on wooden hangers in your closet and sneakers should be placed in their holder. Washing and ironing is most influential for the cleanliness and longevity of clothes. You need to learn how to wash different materials. Ironing should be done carefully because if you make a mistake during ironing, marks are created and shorten the life of the garment.
  5. Athletes should also be tailored according to clothing. So, in case you wear sports suit, sports athletes would make the perfect outfit.

Best university for your studies

Every student, after graduating from high school, tries to choose the best university according to the results in his studies and the economic opportunities he has, because graduating from university with high grades has a great impact on the future of the student. We want to make it easier for students to make their choice and tell you about the best university in Albania.

Now we will show you the conditions that this university offers and some reasons why you should choose this university. Welcome to Ismail Qemali University. This is the best university in Albania and is located in the city of Vlora. It is ranked as the number 1 university in Albania. The university is located on one of the main streets of the city and you have the opportunity to spend your free time along the promenade, going to cafes, bars and many other entertainment things. We assure you that in this university there is an excellent staff of teachers and students. The time you will spend there will be wonderful. In this university you have a great opportunity to choose the branch you want to study, as in this university teaching takes place for many branches.

The main reason why it makes this university number 1 in Albania is the time you spend with teachers which is very valuable for all students as well as the free time spent in the beautiful city of Vlora with the lifestyle it offers. In this university there is a large library where all students have the opportunity to read books. This university also has a Facebook page and a website where you can see all the opportunities that the university offers. There is also an email address where you can contact for any ambiguity or dissatisfaction of yours.

Furthermore, the university has a community of support staff who are ready to offer the necessary assistance to learners. The university recognizes the challenges students go through while in school, and in order to support learners, the university has hired counselors. They are responsible of providing emotional and psychological support to students. Together with other members of the support staff, the counselors are committed to creating conducive conditions for learners and addressing their concerns. Students can get support from the school resource officers as well, and if anyone feels sick, they can get help from nursing professionals who are part of university’s support staff.

At Ismail Qemali Univerity, we are aware of the fact that learning has to be fun for learners to learn better. This is why we organize boot camps and other fun activities for our students. We have hitch hiking activities for students because we want to be able to help give students the opportunity to learn both in and out of the classroom. This is part of our goal of making learning fun as we support our students to learn and to improve their learning experience.

How to have a healthy skin?

Most people think that it is very difficult to maintain healthy skin, but if you follow these tips that we show to you, you will have radiant and healthy skin. The skin does not need treatment. The skin requires only certain conditions which in some cases bring a change in daily life to many people. Here are some tips to help you to protect your skin:

  • Smoking

Smoking, causes wrinkles on the skin and the skin begins to age. Smoking causes narrowing of blood vessels in the skin in smokers and makes the skin paler. Everyone’s skin should be supple and strong. Tobacco destroys both because it affects elastin and collagen. Smokers are at risk not only of skin damage but also of skin cancer. Tip number 1 to keep your skin healthy is not to smoke.

  • Essential oil of cedar wood

This oil is important for the skin because it has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This oil is obtained from the leaves and bark of cedar trees. Cedar wood essential oil can also be found in berries.

  • Sleep

Sleep has a great impact on skin preservation. During sleep the body produces new cells which directly impact the skin and therefore sleep should be as calm and comfortable as possible.

  • Stress

Stress, makes the skin oily because it increases the production of hormones and reduces the ability to fight bacteria. Therefore, to have a healthier skin you need to manage stress

  • Hydration

Water, as it helps all the organs of the body, keeps the skin hydrated. Cells need water to function properly. Not consuming water causes dry skin.

  • Check at the doctor

If you notice any new spots on the skin, you should go visit a dermatologist for a possible skin cancer. These spots are caused by staying in the sun for a long time.

Cloud Computing

In Cloud Computing services, trust is the main thing that should be gained by customers. Clients should always be clear about what they want and what is offered to them in the contract. They need to know everything about the services they receive, about the security of their software and data, about the payments, about the obligations they have, about the conditions around the termination of the contract, etc. These things are very important and directly affect the trust of customers. Trust nowadays is very difficult to gain as the security in Cloud Computing in most cases is high but it is never maximum as every software has many coding lines. Security for most customers is most important and has the greatest impact on whether or not they trust Cloud Computing. It is more difficult for businesses and companies to gain trust because the data they store in Cloud Computing is more valuable than the data of individuals. Issues that reduce customer security, so in this case also reduce trust are:

– Data integrity

This is a major security risk in which data may be damaged during various operations.

– Data interference

It is the most essential and every Cloud Computing provider tries to avoid or minimize it. Data intrusion occurs when another party gains access to someone’s account. In this case if another party manages to find someone’s password, then it can perform whatever action it wishes.

– Validity of online service

The validity of the online service is an issue still unresolved by Cloud Computing providers. In some case Cloud Computing providers say the service is not available for unforeseen reasons. This brings great concern to the client because he may want the service in those moments. The client also needs to know if his data is secure or not.

3 best places to visit during summer

Summer for most people is the season in which the holidays are spent. During summer everyone is looking for a place to vacation according to the income they have and the time available. Some people do not have enough income and work all year to spend a few days for vacation while some others have income but do not have much time to spend the holidays. We will suggest you some of the most perfect places to spend your summer vacation. According to some recent studies it has been found that most people like coastal places to spend vacations more than mountainous places. Even in this area we would recommend. It is very easy to choose between coastal countries, but we will now show you the 3 places which we think are most suitable for summer vacations both for income and for the time you will spend because when time passes nicely it seems to leave more slowly.


Vlora is a coastal city which is located in the south of Albania and is washed by the Adriatic and Ionian seas. It has a suitable climate and perfect temperature to spend the holidays. This makes Vlora one of the top places for summer vacations. Vlora every summer has a very high number of tourists, most of whom are satisfied after spending their holidays there. In Vlora, apart from the time you can spend on the beach, the sunset is also special. The restaurants are among the best and the most consumed food is fish which is fresh. There are many types of fish in restaurants. Also, hotels are among the most luxurious and meet all the requirements of the people. During the summer every bar, restaurant and street in Vlora is full of people.


Anse Source D’argent is also one of the most popular places during summer. It is one of the most special beaches because the sand in this place is white and dazzling. This beach has a high safety to swim because the rock in the sea protects from the ocean waves. The beach is composed of large granite stones. The most common animals you can see there are large turtles and birds which are endangered.


Bora Bora is a small island but with a very beautiful view. According to author James Michener, Bora Bora is called the most beautiful island in the world. In Bora Bora the sea is with warm water as the sun is in the sky all the time. The resorts in Bora Bora are among the most luxurious and the tourists who go to visit them are very friendly. Bora Bora is a place that is not visited by everyone because it is a very expensive place. Relaxation on the beach of Bora Bora should be enjoyed at least once by everyone.

Use of Cloud Computing

The development of the cloud computing technology has seen a high number of businesses embracing cloud computing to store data. With the storage of data being easier with cloud computing, companies are shifting away from physical storage, or otherwise known as local storage. Cloud has become a cheaper option for businesses that do not want to spend a significant amount of money to establish IT infrastructure. Additionally, it offers convenience that a local storage may not provide, and a business can therefore benefit immensely by choosing to use cloud storage.

Unfortunately, an organization may lay-off its IT staff if it moves to using the cloud. As companies continue embracing cloud, certain IT jobs will be automated, leading to massive job losses. The database and network administrator role, for example, will not be required in firms that shift to using the cloud because the technology allows centralized administration and control of the applications and other devices linked to the entire IT system of a company. This is also affecting the staff in companies that sell the IT products. Recently, CISCO downsized by laying-off more than 5,000 members of its staff because it could no longer afford to pay them salaries. CISCO’s case is not a selected case because thousands of IT workers have lost their jobs as organizations shift focus towards cloud computing.

The other issue that is seen with the cloud is that it may take time for one to learn how to use it, which may inconvenience the organization. For an organization that is used to operating the local storage, shifting to using the cloud may mean training of workers, and this may come with additional expenses, and the process can take time. If an organization does not have people with adequate skills to manage the cloud system, it may face challenges performing administration and database management functions.

An organization may still be able to access data when offline if it uses local storage as opposed to the cloud storage. The dependency on the internet connection is a characteristic seen with the latter, and if the connection is unavailable, there is limited chance one would be access to the data. If the connection is lost for long, it may paralyze certain IT operations such as database administration. Therefore, an organization that is considering adopting the cloud computing should examine the risks and opportunities associated with the technology, and make decisions it deems can lead to effective running of the IT operations.

Blogging platforms

The emergence of the new blogging trends has led to the change in the way bloggers create or present content. One of the notable trends is the emergence of the new platforms where bloggers can do blogging. Before these platforms came to the fore, people kept account of their personal lives by writing online diaries. However, Justin Hall was already writing and posting short blogs on by 1995, a time when the blogging platforms such as WordPress were not developed. There are over twenty blogging platforms with some of these platforms such as Wix being free.

Each platform exhibits unique features and characteristics that may uniquely appeal to the different bloggers. The simplicity of the WordPress makes it ideal makes it ideal for anyone who wants to spend limited time publishing their content. The platform also comes with tools that a blogger can use to publish content. For example, the Google Analytics would be useful to bloggers who would want to analyze and monitor the online traffic. The WordPress’ theme is equally easy, and allows one to upload their theme if they don’t want to use the themes available on the platform. Furthermore, it has comment tools or built-in comments that one can use when moderating comments.

Other platforms that are popular with bloggers include Blogger and Weebly. With the former, one can even blog using a smartphone, and given that it is linked to Google+, one can share their content with friends and followers on Google+ platform. Other important features that would expect to find when using the platform include blogger buzz and stats tab. These tools can be resourceful to bloggers who want to find themes on contents ranging from travel to technology. Besides being easy to use, the latter offers various options of domains. A blogger can choose from any of these domain options. Furthermore, it offers design that is flexible, and one can be able to integrate it with ecommerce.

When one wants to choose the platform, it is important that they examine the individual features of each platform including the benefits that these features provide.  Understanding what wants to do with their blog or what content they want to create is paramount because some contents such as short videos may only be suitable for some platforms and not others. The most important that one should consider, however, is the security of the blogging platform because it makes no sense for one to work hard, and lose their blog.