Why should we use Cloud Computing

                        A growing number of businesses are embracing computerization and automation of manufacturing to optimize performance, and lower their costs of operation. At the center of the growth of the automation is the cloud computing which enable device-to-device connection, thus facilitating exchange and sharing of data. Although cloud computing is a concept that has been there since 1960s, its popularity has grown with the fourth industrial revolution, and one cannot talk about industry 4.0 without mentioning cloud computing considering the important role the technology is playing in terms of enabling the communication across multiple devices.

                        We are in an era in which data is a valuable resource, and this therefore warrants the need for individuals to safely store data. With cloud computing, individuals and organizations can rent spaces where they can story data, and the advantage of this technology as a data-storage platform is that one does not have to carry their data on storage devices wherever they go. The fact that data is stored in a cloud system means one can travel anywhere in the world, and they can still access their data. Because the technology replaces the hard disk and other storage devices, it is safe and it improves the portability of the data.

                        The world is moving fast, and people want better services and better products. Cloud computing holds the key to businesses meeting the needs of their customers because the data stored in cloud computing can be analyzed, and be used to inform decisions such as the specific types of products to produce in plenty to meet the market demand. The idea of products being delivered at the door is gaining popularity among consumers, and the success of this idea depends on the businesses’ capacity to leverage the cloud computing technology to expand their scale of operations to include door-to-door delivery of goods.  

                        As the auto manufacturers shift to the production of the driverless cars, the need for the cloud computing is growing. The success of these new developments will depend on how well governments and private companies are willing to invest in cloud computing because this technology will be needed for vehicles to communicate with each other to prevent accidents. The effective control of the traffic will also depend on how fast the technology is integrated into traffic control system. However, the input of the public and the consumers in general is necessary for the cloud technology to drive desirable change.   

Mobile Phone

The cellphones have traditionally been used for communication, but in recent times, we have witnessed tremendous advancement of the mobile phone technology. The current cellphone technology enables people to send and receive money, and forty years ago, no one would have imagined people would be able to use cellphones to transact. The use of cellphone as a payment solution spans two decades, and some developing countries have immensely contributed to the development of the mobile payment solutions. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the mobile banking is popular in countries such as Kenya where even the most basic phone can be used to transact. Kenya in particular is revolutionizing this technology because M-Pesa, a mobile money payment technology in the country, integrates features that enable one to access various services including loans.

While the industrialized countries especially in the western world have dominated the global tech industry, there are some things people in the west can learn from Kenya and other countries where mobile payment is popular. When M-Pesa began in Kenya in 2007, there were a handful of outlets serving a population of more than 40 million people. These outlets served as mini-banks where customers could deposit and withdraw money. With time, however, the number of the outlets increased so that in every corner of the street, there was an M-Pesa outlet. The growth of these agents was supported by the rigorous investment on the telecommunication infrastructure. This is one of the reasons why mobile payment spread fast in Kenyan.  

The public will and support is critical to the success of a new technology, and if a new idea receives limited support from the public, the chances of the idea materializing or becoming successful are next to null. When Safaricom introduced the mobile payment in Kenya, it already had a foothold in the country considering that it was already a popular brand. Safaricom was already part of the Kenyan society, and it was the dominant player in the country. Furthermore, it embraced a product promotional and advertisement strategy in which it made adverts containing messages of patriotism. Thus, the company became a national brand.

Considering the success of the M-Pesa in Kenya, startups and the players in the tech sector in the west can borrow a leaf from some countries in Africa. A key lesson that one can learn from Kenya is getting the right partners, and collaborating with these partners is crucial if a new startup wants to grow fast. The other lesson that western startups can draw from Kenya’s experience is company owners should keep the customer characteristics in mind when promoting their products because choosing a method that appeals to customers can drive up sales.           

Maintaining professionalism and upholding ethical standards when writing news articles.

A newspaper article conveys information about an event that occurred, and when people read stories published in newspapers, they expect to find truth. The use of non-factual information can water down the quality of the news articles, and make them less credible. If people find out that the writer created their own account of events, and left out facts, they may develop negative perceptions towards the news company that published the article. Negative reputation may in turn lead to low readership, and decline in the popularity of the company. Therefore, one needs to demonstrate high standards of professionalism and ethics when writing news reports.

There are key elements that a news writer should pay attention to if they want to demonstrate professionalism. Fairness is one of these elements, and to demonstrate this fairness, one should take time to explore the issue in detail before reporting it. Fairness also means not being biased in the way one reports news, and taking a neutral stance on issues that divide public opinion. Honesty is the other element, and an honest writer is one who writes the truth without having their views swayed by monetary offerings. Courage is an additional quality that a writer should demonstrate because this courage is needed for one to navigate conditions that may encourage skewed reporting of the news.

The idea of witness protection is critical when it comes to reporting of news. Revealing personal details of a witness interviewed to collect information is morally and professionally wrong especially if there is a chance that criminals may use the details to track down the witness. It is the writer’s responsibility to demonstrate trust and honesty by concealing the identity of the witnesses. Even if there is money offered to the writer to uncover the identity of the witness or even kill a story that reveals crime, they should demonstrate integrity by refusing such money because being trustworthy can help build not only the reputation of the writer but the news organization they work for.

If one wants to go a long way in news writing business, they need demonstrate high standards of ethics by being honest and trustworthy. The key to making it in the business of the news writing and reporting is maintaining professionalism in terms of the way one writes and reports news. We are in an era of “fake news” where individuals may twist information to fit their preferences. To stand out therefore, news writers should write fearlessly and honestly.  

Dealing with Blogging Challenges

The thought of making good money from blogs may entice one to venture into blogging, yet blogging requires sacrifice and dedication. Bloggers experience various challenges that range from low visits to decline in passion for blogging, and if one is not emotionally and psychologically prepared to deal with these challenges, they may end up giving up. Even if one is already an established blogger, they may still have to deal with some challenges. An aspiring blogger or a blogger who is already established needs to understand the ins and outs of blogging to be adequately prepared to manage a blog.  

For most people who want to blog, finding a niche can be a challenge, and this is complicated by the fact that some people may not like content on certain topics. For example, one may create content on travel when their audience want to learn about tourism.  To settle on a specific subject to write about, one should conduct self-assessment to identify what they have passion in. It is also important for one to carry out research to identify the topics that people might be interested in.

For a blogger, getting readers to read the blog content can be a challenge, and in some cases, it may take time for one to even receive a single comment. This is common with recently created blogs, and unless one has a significant number of social media followers that can visit the blog, making during first few months of starting a blog can be hectic.  Creating stories that elicit emotions or stories that people can identify with, can get the blog visitors hooked.

Not everyone may have the inspiration to write, and the lack of inspiration may cause one not to be consistent when writing. With inconsistency, one may lose potential followers or audience. Writing impeccable blog posts require a certain degree of creativity, and for one to write creatively, they need to have inspiration to write. One can get inspiration by relaxing, listening to soft music, or taking a walk outside.

Blogging is a journey with obstacles that one has to overcome, and for a person starting a blog, being aware of how to navigate these challenges is the first step to succeeding as a blogger. An individual who wants to become a blogger should carefully choose a niche. Choosing a subject that one is passionate about can save one from issues such as experiencing boredom.  To also succeed, one needs to invest their time into creating blog contents and promoting the blog on their social media.   

Advantages and disadvantages of online learning

Education is one of the most important things for any person. School directly affects the future of man. According to the skills and intelligence that a person has, he chooses the most suitable branch to continue. While nowadays she does not focus only on this but also how she will finish her education, online or physical. Online learning has been an opportunity that was offered a long time ago. But after the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning became widespread in every part of the world. For some people this brought a lot of dissatisfaction while for others it was a great help. To help you decide on the future, we will show you the advantages and disadvantages of online learning.


Online learning offers many benefits, but most importantly it prevents the transmission of communicable diseases or COVID-19. During online learning the student has the opportunity to study at home and be more comfortable and relaxed. The student can study at any time he wants. Online learning also brings improvement to the parent’s economy because the student will not always buy expensive books but in most cases will buy books online which have a lower cost. Many students also avoid the transportation they would have to do if they were doing physical education.


In addition to the advantages of online learning there are also many disadvantages. Online learning prevents students from spending time with each other and engaging in various activities. They do not have the opportunity to play with each other and have fun in class. This makes them less social with each other. Also, the learning and willingness that a student has to learn is less in online learning. Even the distraction is greater in online learning than in physical learning, because the noises at home are louder than in the classroom, because the classroom is a more adapted environment for learning, and the only goal of a student in the classroom is to learn while is at home has less interest in learning.

How the Covid-19 pandemic affected people’s lives

When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, the entertainment industry was adversely affected because musicians could no longer hold music concerts, and revelers could no longer access entertainment joints. To respond to the growing cases of the Covid-19 governments all around the world, imposed containments measures which included banning public gatherings, ordering the closure of the bars, and prohibiting alcoholic drinks in restaurants. With the implementation of these interventions, businesses including players in the entertainment sector suffered due to the lack of customers. With imposing of the curfew laws, some of the businesses sustained losses, leading to their eventual dissolution. With the cancelation of the concerts and adoption of new measures, some players in the entertainment sector found a way to bypass the effects of the pandemic.

The virtual concerts became popular during the pandemic as musicians streamed live concerts to entertain their followers and fans. Artists used various streaming sites including Zoom, Facebook and YouTube that made it possible for them to keep their fans entertained, and engaged given that some of these sites have features that allow the interaction of the audience. In the United States (U.S.) and other countries, Keith Urban among other artists brought concerts into people’s homes. By organizing these virtual events, the musicians managed to connect with their fans, and for some artists such as Elton John, these events provided the means of raising money for charities.

In the United Kingdom (U.S.), the culture and entertainment sectors suffered following the outbreak of the Covid-19, and this prompted the government to allocated money to help keep businesses afloat, and to support thousands of employees who lost their jobs. The other measures the government took to reduce the impact of the pandemic on businesses that operated in these sectors include offering tax-reliefs, and offering financial support to the people affected by the pandemic. These measures, to a certain degree, helped prevent serious economic impact of the pandemic on the entertainment sector.

Although the pandemic negatively affected businesses in the entertainment sector, these businesses can learn important lessons from this experience. An important lesson that players can learn from this pandemic is that internet is a tool that one can leverage to grow their business, and provide customers with a wide range of services. The other lesson is that businesses should also look for opportunities and adapt during an uncertain event because the future of these players will depend on how well they adapt in uncertain circumstances.

Companies that provide Cloud services

Certain business operations including data storage are moving to the cloud. As businesses embrace the cloud technology to optimize operational efficiency, business owners who are considering using cloud services need to be aware of the companies that provide these services. There are various companies that provide cloud services with each offering unique cloud services, and charging differently for the different services they offer.  When thinking of the best company to choose as the cloud service provider, one should identify the cost these firms charge, the quality of the services they provide, and security measures they have put in place to protect the cloud IT infrastructure.

With the launch of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in 2008, businesses had more options in terms of the cloud service provider they could choose.  This platform is ideal for the customers who might be worried about their data being breached because it has advanced security technology. The GCP employs data encryption and other security features so that it is able to shield clients’ IT infrastructure and applications. In addition to guaranteeing security, the platform provides advanced data analytics features, that businesses can use to optimize decision-making.

Oracle ventured into the cloud industry in 2016, and despite coming late to the party, it has aggressively worked towards improving the quality of the services it provides. It has leveraged the power of the technology to create a cloud database platform. Organizations that want database services can contract the company to provide it with such services. The fact that Oracle specializes in offering database-based operations means it is an ideal provider for clients who are only interested in database services.

In 2006, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) was unveiled, and given the history of this platform and its mother company of constant innovation, the AWS has foothold on the cloud industry. Compared to the other cloud providers, the AWS is at the top tier level in terms of revenue and the quality of the services it offers. The platform is not only ideal for the developers but for businesses that may want to store data.  Amazon S3 is one of AWS’ services, and the advantage it has is that it offers data storage scalability feature.

Since the cloud service providers offer various types of services, the IT needs a business might have should inform the business’ decisions when it comes to selecting the ideal cloud service provider. If a business wants a platform with advanced security features, for instance, it can choose the GCP.   

Tips you need to know before creating a blog

People may have different reasons for wanting to start a blog because for some people, blogging may just be a way of writing journal reflections of what they go through on a daily basis, while for some, blogging may provide a means of calling for social change. To be a successful blogger, one needs to find a niche, have passion of writing, and develop interest in creating content on specific topic. Just because one’s friend writes on a specific subject, and they are getting a high number of visits to their blog, one should not necessarily assume that their blog will hit once they start writing on the same topic.

Making it as a blogger requires patience and determination, and one has to constantly keep creating content even when they feel like giving up. There are times when a blog may generate only a small amount of money, and rather than give up, one should work hard and be consistent because “No one drowns in their own sweat.” As a blog writer, one should keep in mind the fact that marketing a blog can be cumbersome, and that it requires perseverance. If the known bloggers such as Perez Hilton had given up at the first onset of the challenges while starting blogging, they would not have made it.   

A blog can be self-hosted or it can be hosted by a hosting company, and for anyone who is thinking of starting a blog, settling on the best hosting option is crucial because each option has its own benefits and drawbacks. If a person opts for the self-hosting, for instance, they may not have limitations of what of they can post, and they can maintain absolute control of the blog. However, a significant amount of experience is required for one to do self-hosting, and one may have to go through comprehensive training to learn how to self-host. Using a hosting platform, on the other hand, requires limited experience. Furthermore, it provides a safe way of hosting a blog, and a blogger may not have to worry about the security threats.  

Just to reiterate the key points that one should consider before venturing into blogging, choosing a niche, being patient and determined, and settling on the hosting method are the things one should consider. However, the mastery of the writing and communication skills is also paramount if one wants to be a successful blogger because even if they are determined and have the best platform to host the blog without having adequate knowledge about communication, they may fail to attract readership or viewership.   

The impact that social media had on the news

Before the internet and the social media came, people relied on the media broadcasting and publishing companies for information. With the introduction of the social media, the way people accessed and consumed news started changing, resulting to the decline in the newspaper readership. The circulation of the sprinted media materials including magazines has reduced since the social media was first introduced during the late 1990s. Should media companies be worried about Facebook and other social media companies? It depends on how one looks at it because there are opportunities and risks for these companies.

The print media is not as popular as it used to be two decades ago because the increase in the number of social media users had led to more people relying on the social sites for information. These sites enable people to freely access information either from the pages of the news companies, or from friends. This has resulted to a situation, in which social media users are constantly up to date with current affairs, and for some people, Facebook and Twitter are ideal sources of information and news. Given the entertainment aspects of the social media, people spend a significant amount of time on social media. This leaves them with limited time to even go through the newspapers.

On the flip side, the social media seems to have brought news companies closer to consumers of information. Three decades ago, it was a challenge to for the media companies to engage with those who consumed their content. The social media has eased how mainstream media companies can interact with their clients given that the social sites allow readers and viewers of the news content to share their thoughts about how news are reported. This feedback is helping businesses in the news industry to improve their news reporting.  Users can follow the news companies by liking the social media pages of these companies.  With the social media, still, media companies can receive live update of information and report it.

On one hand, the social media is killing newspapers and driving down sales, but on the other hand, it is contributing to the growth in the popularity of the news reporting companies. To fully benefit from the social media, the media companies should take advantage of new opportunities that come with these social platforms. For example, they can add ads in between videos to generate extra revenue. This will compensate for the revenue lost due to low viewership or readership of news.    

Cyber Security in Cloud and Malware

Although the Cloud service providers employ comprehensive cyber-security measures, hackers may still exploit the vulnerabilities within the Cloud system to hack into it. If hackers get their hands on the sensitive information, this can have far reaching implications on the company that offer cloud-based IT solutions, and their clients. In case a major security breach was to occur, businesses that have contracted the cloud company may terminate their contract, causing the company to lose clients. Conversely, customers may file lawsuit against businesses if they lose money as a result of the breach.

Cloud malware is emerging as a security concern to the companies that deal with the delivery of the cloud services. Evasive malware increases the vulnerability of the cloud systems, despite these systems having advanced security features. Initially, hackers used malware to hack into websites and then access the cloud systems. Recently, the cloud apps have become the hackers’ door inside the cloud-based platforms. When hackers want to access these systems, they first trick the people using certain apps or websites to install an application. When one installs the app, it becomes easier for the hacker to bypass the security of the cloud.

Malware is not the only threat to the cloud companies because there are other numerous security issues that can jeopardize the safety of the cloud systems. The insider threat, for example, is a security risk that can easily give hackers the leeway into the cloud infrastructure.  With this kind of threat, an employee at the cloud company or the business that has contracted the cloud service provider may share password or other security information with hackers. This kind of security issue is common with business or companies that have ineffective internal operations.

Insufficient identity is the other concern that may pose a security threat to the cloud. This is seen where employees do not use strong passwords to access email accounts or other apps that might be vulnerable to the security threats. This problem is also seen in organizations with inadequate security measures.

The cloud company and the customer both have the responsibility to secure the cloud system. Considering that the former can lose much if a breach happens, cloud service providers need to lead efforts focused on securing their cloud systems. One approach they can use is to review the security measures their clients have put in place to reduce the security threats. On their part, the clients or businesses should comply with the security measures recommended by the cloud companies.